Bertie made an appearance at the Twin Cities Really Really Free Market, a monthly event for offering and receiving items, relationship, and other gifts openly in the community.
More about the Twin Cities Really Really Free Market
“The Really Really Free Market is an experiment in community and giving, a window into an actual gift economy. Everything here is FREE: offer what you'd like to give and take what you would like to receive. Food, music, and conversation are as welcome as objects.
If you bring things, please be prepared to take them back if no comes who wants or needs them. Sometimes we will have the ability to haul leftovers away, but not always. Anything that anyone would accept as a gift is welcome – many people want clothes, makeup, artwork, kitchen gadgets, funny stories, canned and dry goods, or just a friendly place to spend Saturday afternoon.
Please treat everything as a gift, and please be prepared to take back with you any things that you have brought that nobody has taken.”